Course "Sustainable Hospitality Digitalisation Toolkit"
A course "Sustainable Hospitality Digitalisation" is dedicated to sustainable hospitality digitalisation with digital materials and resources. The course elements will be integrated with the Moodle system; CMS system for hotels and tourism companies is expected to be the cornerstone for the digital solution by DigitalGuest (Sweden), embedded in this course. The course will include elements and features for eight learner styles. The course can be delivered by VET educators, hospitality business coaches, and team leads as a separate online course online, as the digital course for in-class or hybrid full-time studies, as a field workshop course. The course can be delivered as individual course and as embedded sustainability hospitality digitalisation content in other units. The course can be delivered by educators and acquired by VET learners, professionals and amateurs individually. The course will include 15 digital session plans, digital session materials, and digital tasks and assessment materials.
The digital course "Sustainable Hospitality Digitalisation Toolkit" in Moodle enviroment is available here or scan the QR code (login as guest):
The digital solution for Sustainable Hospitality Digitalisation Toolkit, developed by DigitalGuest (Sweden) is available here or scan the QR code: